GEORGE TATGE home page
Junk Warehouse, 2014
Headless S. Lawrence, 2013
Four Falcons, 2012
Night Club, 2014
S. Rita, 2014
Cave, 2014
New Real Estate, 2015
Palazzo Capponi, 2018
Garden Sculpture, 2014
Shrines, 2015
Courtyard, 2016
Bicyclist and Fruit Stand, 2016
Pink Bomb, 2015
Barred Window, 2013
Banana, 2012
Suburban Garden, 2016

Copyright © by George Tatge 2012-2020
All rights reserved.
The Color of Chance: Apparitions
The sequence entitled Apparitions confirms Tatge’s love of chance epiphanies, such as those one might intercept in the most disparate scenes of our visual experience. And also his ironic attention towards the emergence of the illogical in so much daily life. A non-aggressive irony employed to capture the most singular conglomerations, as in Junk Warehouse, where a Canovian Venus is found looking much like the sister of Pistoletto’s Venus in Rags. Or as in the Pink Bomb, hanging mid-air like a radical architect’s utopian vision. Or again in the billboard Banana that, with its alienating Pop extroversion, stands as the backdrop of an urban vegetable garden...

Carlo Sisi
Curator of the exhibition Il Colore del Caso
(The Color of Chance)